Landscapes in Pastel (ages 13 & up)

Chalk Pastel, by Linda, Adult

Chalk Pastel, by Linda, Adult

INSTRUCTOR: Patrick Seufert

Patrick has a B.F.A. from Tyler School of Art, Temple University. In addition to being a teacher Patrick is a professional artist.

It is recommended (not required) that Foundation Drawing and/or Color Theory have been completed before taking a Workshop class. Please contact Patrick for more information.

DESCRIPTION: In the beginning of the course proper perspective will be introduced. From there students will learn about color mixing and how to work back to front (sky first) and how to deal with nature. About halfway through the course students will start on a full landscape in pastel.

Supplies needed for this course:

HB graphite pencil

Kneaded eraser

Pastel sticks

Pastel pencils

Newsprint paper

Pastel paper

A full list of supplies with prices will be available before the course begins. All supplies for this course can be purchased and picked up at the studio. Supplies are not included in the cost of the course.

WorkshopsPatrick Seufert